What Happens Next

What happens when we leave this life?
Humans have been asking that question since the first loved one was lost. This question has led to the existence of countless religious philosophies, designed to bring us comfort. Because we need it. Not only to deal with loss, but to keep us moving forward with some sense of hope and purpose.
I’ve read a lot of differing opinions. I’m not a big fan of organized religion. It has good intentions, but sadly, the human ego pollutes the practice. It seems like everyone needs to be completely right. Few keep an open mind to the possibility of error in dogma, because it denotes a lack of faith. And that’s pretty sad.
When is comes down to it, the truth is always the truth. It’s okay to question every ideology, because if you ask questions, and find answers, you will always come back to the truth being the truth.
I have also had a problem with a higher deity that needs to be worshiped. Sounds pretty immature to me. A deity that would stop loving us, or that would condemn us to an eternity of misery because we didn’t cross a ‘t’ or dot an ‘i’. Sounds like dysfunctional parenting to me.
So… here’s my two bits…
I believe there is something more. I don’t know if it’s a single entity out there, or a consortium.
And I believe that whatever higher power exists, that it is rooting for us.
It wants us to question… to think… to use our brains…to grow.
It believes that we will eventually figure things out, since we are capable of rational conclusions.
Recently, I came across this philosophy; that we are all energy, derived from the initial Big Bang, and that for a short time we take up residence on this planet. And when the day comes that we leave, we go home to where our energy initially came from.
I have to admit, I really like that thought.
Maybe we are supposed to spend our time here learning… cultivating our souls, and when we have done what we can here, we go on to another existence. While we are on this Earth, we can also spend our time exploring the beauty that makes it unique. Breathe the air, inhale the essences, just take the time to take it all in, or at least as much as we can. Use all these experiences to become an even more evolved being.
And yes…. some folks screw up their time here. The let their egos grow instead of their spirits. They create war. They create prejudice. They learn to thrive on hate and fear.
And I have to wonder… do they get a do-over once they leave this life?
I think so. I believe the higher power that is out there is always hopeful for each souls progress. Because we are all the same; none of us is better than the other. We are all loved fully and unconditionally.
Some of us just make mistakes… horrible mistakes. But I don’t think that should condemn you forever.
Our life experiences mold our human selfs. Sometime things go terribly wrong from the day they arrive. Being born in the wrong place, to the wrong parents, into war, famine… so many variables…
That’s why we really shouldn’t judge others. We have no idea of every moment of their lives. Something as small as the wrong comment directed toward them at the wrong time. Or the horrors of child rape or torture. A life’s journey can suddenly veer off course. We truly have no idea…. which is why we need to do our best to be kind to each other.
I think that our time spent here should be that of a student. We are here to learn. We are here to share. We are here to love.
I know…. it’s not that easy… but that’s the challenge..
We should not fear death. Death is just an offramp to something more. Something better. Something we can’t even begin to wrap our human heads around.
Please understand, what I am saying is in no way intended to insult anyone’s religion or philosophy.
But, if your knee-jerk reaction to what I have written it to defend your religion, and say I’m way off base, ask yourself – why you need to do that? This is only a conversation (yes, one-sided, I know) but it’s merely my point of view. And I know I won’t be condemned for it. Everything I believe comes from a place of love.
If this post make you feel uncomfortable, that’s actually a good thing. It’s brings the possibility of spiritual growth. Again, the truth is always the truth. It’s okay to talk. Knowledge is the nourishment your brain needs to survive.
That’s all for now, but there is more I want to say… to be continued…