Alternative Facts & Supporting Trump – It’s Time to Re-Engage Our Brains

This weekend I heard all about Alternative Facts, and my need to get over the election and support our new President.
First, I am tired of people saying I need to support Trump. That is bullshit. I am an American, which means I am free to dissent.
I read something this past weekend that said something like this: “If to dissent is to be whinny, then fine. I’m a whiner. Just like the whiners before me. Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks….” Yeah, what a bunch of whiners…
This country has NOT continued to evolve because of a lockstep mentality. So a hardy FUCK YOU to those that think that what Makes America Great Again.
I will never stop presenting facts (not alternative facts, thanks Kellyanne). Facts are facts. Truth is truth. If you question what is presented as the truth, and do a search of your own for proof, this does not make you a bad/evil/sinful person. If the truth is the truth, it will ALWAYS be the truth.

NEVER demean anyone searching for answers. When you do this, you are abasing a persons self worth and intelligence (but thats the point, isn’t it). The pursuit of knowledge it one of the MOST important things we humans can do. If we just believe everything we are told, we might as well just lobotomize everyone, and say “the hell with it… all knowledge has been found!” What the hell.. lets go one step further. Lets just nuke the planet…. game over… no more levels to conquer, so what’s the point of going on…
So again, a hardy FUCK YOU to those that believe that. Are you that smug that you believe you have ALL of the answers??? If you are religious, do you think _____ (insert deity name here) gave you a brain to punish you? I mean WTF??? You have a brain so you can ponder, absorb, research…. a your brain is a gift. To stymie it is the greatest sin against God I can think of.
America…. get your shit together….. stop living on fear that God will punish you for questioning him. As a parent, do you encourage your children to explore/reason? I certainly hope so! And why on earth do you think God would punish you for questioning alleged truths that have been handed down to you. Do you honestly think you will go to hell just because you questioned something? If so, you need a different religion, or at the very least, a different house of worship. GOD WILL NOT CONDEMN YOU FOR ONE ACTION. If he does, he is a pretty shitty deity, not worth your respect. And anyone that tells you otherwise is a liar (oh wait… an alternative facts teller).
So that being said, it makes sense that people blindly follow Trump… they have been raised by their churches not to question, just believe. I am not saying all churches do this… it depends on the leader of that particular location, so don’t go all stupid ass on me and say I am condemning all religions… I am not. Truth should make your secure, not insecure.
Pull your head out of your ass for a minute or two. Your allegiance should be to your God and your fellow man, who, if I recall, are also God’s children. Or did you forget that one, because you were told to….