A Moment of Ohm…..

Not everyday is a rant day… sometimes you have to look at your life, and realized just how blessed you are.
Today is one of those days… a Moment of Ohm.
Not that there isn’t a reason to rant… the Syrian refugee crisis, and the lack of understanding/hospitality by some European nations (I’m lookin’ at your Hungary…), Kim Davis is a free woman, and has a new “bestie” in Mike Huckabee….and I have no doubt that The Donald must have done something today….
But I rather take a few moments and look at the blessings in my life.
Sometimes I forget how lucky I am; I have a solid marriage to a man that is truly my life partner. I know that I because of him, I grow up a little more each day from the cranky little girl I was for over 40 years before he came into my life. I’m still a little (a lot) cranky, but I am a far better person because of what we have together.
I have three amazing cats, that are funny and smart, and keep me entertained with the new facets of their personalities that appear each day. They make me laugh….they lower my blood pressure…they warm my heart…
I have a best friend that has, for some unknown reason, put up with me for a quarter of a century, and is always there when I need her. I hope I am at least half the friend to her as she is to me.
I have a job that allows me to occasionally play hooky without penalty, on days like today, when the skies are blue, and the clouds billowy white, as they accompanied me on my drive today.
As I slip on my glass of wine, and listen to my hubby snoring softly in the next room… I can truly say I am blessed.