Some disturbing shit out there….

Monday was Inauguration Day here in the U.S. A time when our country should take pride in what an amazing nation we are blessed to live in, and a time we should all come together and figure out how to make it all work in spite of our differences.
Oh well…. it was a nice thought…
I was on Facebook, and I came across a link:
My stomach has been churning ever since I read all the Tweets from mostly young, white people going on about how “cool” it would be if the President of the United States were to be assassinated on live television.
People… can we get anymore fucked up????
Couple this with all the post from my conservative friends and family members; links to false “news” stories, infographics going on about make-believe attacks on their values… I would like to think my loved ones are intelligent people. Yet to many seem to parrot Fox “News” talking points, or that bi-polar wack-a-doo in, or some other right leaning organization.
I know I post items from the left, which I’m sure infuriates many of them. But I do my best to research what I post before I hit the “Share” button. And if I make a mistake, I want to be called out on it.
When I post something, I try to find something affirmative, not demeaning.
- I believe in Gay Rights. We have a separation of church and state in this country, and not every religion believes homosexuality is a sin. More on that at a later time.
- I believe that everyone in a nation this wealthy should have health care. I don’t mind paying a little more in taxes if it will save someone’s life. Another thing, I have government run health insurance… it’s called Tricare, and so does every other veteran and their family, and I for one am very happy with it.
- I believe the there in no need for civilians to have military style weapons, and clips that hold ridiculously high number of rounds. If you really think you need a firearm of this magnitude to defend yourself and your family, you really need to get to the firing range and get a little more practice.
- And speaking of guns, the government isn’t trying to take your guns from you. Get over yourself.
I don’t mind arguing a point, if facts are shared. That’s how we learn, how we compromise, how we move forward and grow, both intellectually and spiritually.
I think it’s time for everyone to grow up.