Quotes I Like
We should try to be the parents of our future rather than the offspring of our past. – Miguel de Unamuno
We should try to be the parents of our future rather than the offspring of our past. – Miguel de Unamuno
I was just watching CBS This Morning, and Bob Schieffer was discussing the latest attempt of Republicans to derail Obamacare. To paraphrase, the latest bill from the House to fund our government has a provision that Obamacare be tanked (okay, defunded…same thing). The Wall Street Journal stated this was a “Kamakazi” mission. Bob went a […]
I was talking to someone today, comparing life notes since the last time we saw each other, and I got a life lessons slap in the face on why people should never assume things. Here’s my bad: I assumed that because this person was married to someone of Arabic decent, and had a business partner […]